One of the most common excuses to not eat healthy is "eating healthy is more expensive". While some healthy foods are expensive, healthy eating does not have to be. To verify this, I went to the commissary on March 1, 2011 and looked at 12 different food items and compared their price to an healthier alternative. I found that many of the foods on my list were the same price or even more expensive than the healthier version (usually because it is less processed and contains less added sugars and fats).
The items I choose do not cover all the different food groups. I tried to choose foods that were essentially the same, just healthier. If the alternative contained any extra preparation, I did not look at it (except for the potato).
As you can see above, a package of whole wheat tortillas are the exact same price as the white tortillas. The whole wheat tortillas contain an extra 25 vitamins and minerals that are lost in the processing of white flour. Home Pride white bread is actually more expensive than the whole wheat variety.
A bag of 12 whole fat cheese sticks are almost a full dollar more than the 2% variety. I personally cannot tell the difference in taste between the two.
The flavored oatmeal is more expensive than the plain oatmeal due to the added sugars. That "peaches and cream" oatmeal does not contain any peaches, at least not enough to count towards your total for the day. It is mostly sugar and flavorings. An even cheaper option is to buy the big canisters of oatmeal rather than the individually packaged servings.
I'm not sure why Fruit Loops are more expensive than Cheerios. Maybe the extra sugar in the Fruit Loops?
Nutrigrain bars are definitely cheaper than granola bars, however, look at what you are paying for. Nutrigrain bars now are made with some whole grain flour but it is not 100% whole grain. That fruit filling is just like the flavoring in the oatmeal - sugar and flavorings. The Fruit and Nut bars are just that - dried fruit and nuts. There is some sugar to hold it together but they have more fiber and nutrients than the Nutrigrain bars. Granola bars are slightly less expensive than a Hershey Bar. A bar made of whole nuts or a bar of sugar for the same price? Which is the better value?
Triscuits and the Kashi Crackers are essentially the same cracker and are both healthy choices. It is interesting that the Triscuits are more expensive than Kashi who has a reputation of being "gourmet" so more expensive.
Potato chips vs a potato. Okay, there is more work involved cooking a potato. The manufacturer adds $2.00 per pound to slice and fry that potato for you.
Just feel like munching? Raisins are not only healthier but they are cheaper too!
Need a quick snack for a sack lunch? Do you choose a bag of chips or an apple? Think chips are more convenient? hard is it to wash an apple?
One hundred percent juice is a bit pricer than Hawaiin Punch which is basically sugar water. With the juice you get some vitamins and minerals. Be sure to read the label on any fruit flavored beverage to see the percentage of real juice. Some have one "5% juice" or read "contains no juice".
As you can see, eating healthy depends on the choices you make as much as the price of the food. For the items where the healthier option is slightly more expensive, ask yourself if the extra vitamins and minerals are worth the few extra cents. But if the price of the two items are exactly the same, which will you choose?
Pumpkin Chocolate Muffins
8 years ago
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